Tuesday, May 20, 2008


It’s not necessarily that I have always enjoyed the sight of fat people sweating, or even that I have come to enjoy this phenomenon, so much as I have always been cold. For this reason, I have found the world more delightful in these later years of my life, as I am sure many others have.

We live in America, the country you can count on to lead the world. We can count on America to make things how we want them: bigger, faster, hotter. I am proud to be a part of this effort, to make winters more comfortable, to make heating bills less costly, to turn up the heat, and get places doing it. America leads the world in the consumption of these magnificent hydrocarbons with other major players such as China and India playing in suit. We hold today a reputation for leading the world even stronger than it was after the Second World War.

Not only are we as Americans doing the right thing, our environment is repaying us. Public water bodies such as pools, rivers, and oceans will someday be warm enough to comfortably swim in. Too many fit guys like myself are being forced to wear shirts while they swim to avoid freezing to death. Only we can answer this call.

On top of this, the world around us will swell with life. No longer will plants wither in December, and no longer will we have to spend money to produce structures to protect them from poor weather, we are taking a stand. The air will be thick with oxygen, like a cozy blanket.

Children will be able to spend more time outside, someday even year round. The sports we love to play would never have to stop, and with any luck, any and all Americans will be able to work on their base tans for free.

Historians say that history repeats itself, and that we must know of these pasts if we are ever to escape them. I draw upon a key issue of genocide to conclude my case. Many years ago, our planet was wrought by an entire age of ice, destroying an abhorrent number of dinosaurs, and leading to their extinction.

This was no freak accident, as historians will tell you that there was not one, not two, not three, but four separate occasions in which this world was covered entirely by a storm of ice. Do not go calm into this dark night, stand for our economy, our comfort, and our lives: Warm this globe.

Monday, May 19, 2008


“Argh me hearties” is not used often enough these days. It is just one of those things you are sad to see go. There are plenty of things you don’t want to see go in this world… this is just one.

The brutality of irony can be best depicted by the world. In this world to move something it takes energy: things at rest tend to stay at rest until acted upon by a force or object. By this logic, things would never leave you unless you asked them to, or made them. Still “argh me hearties” has left us. Damn our culture

I’m sorry… Rats our culture.

It doesn’t change the fact that I am rats-ed off. I blame children really. They always go off into the world wanting to be independent… hating the ones that give them the punishment they need to grow. So they hate other things by association. For these reasons our generation has no work ethic and shitty music. Whoops.

I’m sorry… Rats-y music.

It’s not like we are independent anyway. For one, we are quite dependant for resources. For two, we aren’t actually innovative when it comes to being different. I can’t prove it, but I am almost positive fashion history is repeating itself. I think I heard or read or heard someone reading that once; probably options one or three, because I don’t read that much.

But what do I know other than how to complain. I suppose I can live on that though. Off to complain about something else I suppose. Here goes.

Of What?

Completion is somehow one of the most difficult things in this world for me to master. I take for example the best example I can think of… the reason I know that this is a problem for me: school. In almost every single situation I receive an obligation I do about ninety percent of it, no matter how small.

This has ironically become even more obvious in the last weeks of this school year. Because I am taking 5 AP classes, and I have taken the tests for all of them, there isn’t much to do in the wide majority of my classes. One would think this would only improve my success in classes that I still have to do good work in when in fact this is not the case.

Despite my workload being only 1/6th of what it was only two weeks ago I often fail to meet quota per se. This doesn’t actually bother me this much, but does raise a question in my mind: how bad is this going to be when I am a senior? People always joke toward the end of the year saying, “oh I’ve got senioritis” but I’m sure that the real thing is twice as harsh.

According to the masses, this Wednesday we become seniors. Will my senioritis suddenly become justified? Will it increase in strength? Will it have no affect? It is truly perplexing what a good title or a good placebo can do. When you become a senior and have a good work ethic, I suppose chances are you won’t lose it until someone asks you, “Think you have senioritis?” It’s like that one guy from that one movie that is convinced that he has mono. Either way I only have ninety percent of that work ethic… it shouldn’t be hard to get rid of.

On a side note of this I would like to address our tendency to shoot for all or nothing. A 100% work ethic person is tough to compromise, while anyone else can be dropped to zero in seconds. It’s like the misguided thought that we have all had sometime as a kid: you get punished, you get mad. Then you decide that seeing as how you are already being punished; why not go out with a bang? Here’s to seniors.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Of Living A Life of Secrecy

It would completely suck to be Superman, for however much it may or may not rape. Laser beams from eyes and the ability to fly(S) (rhyming) are all well and good, but is it worth conditional personality.

Do you need my help? Okay, then my name is Superman. Do you wanna go on a date? I am some loser by the name of Clark Kent. I wear glasses that are thicker than the base of my shoes, and my hair isn’t greased back in that badass manner. Did I mention the frequent bursts of cognitive dissonance I feel? Am I Superman or not damn it?

Even when you work on this to the point that you get it where you like it you can’t be completely happy. Let’s say Clark stays late at the office, or gets macked up by some chick, or goes swimming or god knows what. Hey Superman, take off your shirt. I would rather not… You tell them that you have chest AIDS and that the shirt needs to stay. Deep down you will know that you just can’t expose your Superman shirt. Whoops.

Now let’s put it in a possible situation. You are grounded from video games, but your parents are constantly gone, here or there. Working your ass off to hide your activities is painful for both thought and stress. After a point you can almost only barely enjoy your game. Living the life of secrecy is hardr work than being a super hero. That’s why Superman is even cooler for doing both.


Lettuce. If you ever wanted to do something or go somewhere with someone, you might say, “Let’s do something or go somewhere, someone.”

It has been brought to my attention by myself that this speaking is quite out of date. Take, for example, the sentence: Let’s go to the movies. What we mean to say is: We should go to the movies = or = I feel like going to the movies. What we literally say by using that contraction is let us or allow us. Allow us to go to the movies.

This is where I find my trouble. If you are speaking to someone and say the word ‘let’s’ you are almost definitely NOT asking for permission. Imagine hanging out with one of your friends and saying “Let’s go to the arcade,” only to hear your friend reply, “Only if you do my homework for me”

Using the word ‘let’s’ basically establishes yourself as inferior to anyone you speak it to. You are asking them for permission to do things that they would probably find entertaining anyway. It is ridiculous. Dictionary.com lists over thirty different definitions for the word let, all of which essentially: to allow. As for the contraction let’s, it lists 4 definitions all saying a contraction of let and us.

Ironically this is just too deep within our language to remove now. A growing and solidifying tumor of our language: it is here to stay. When I was pressed to think of different ways of phrasing “Let’s go to the movies” earlier on this very page, I was stumped. It took me 10 minutes to think of what I did, and frankly it sucks.

Still I will not stand idly by and watch such servitude. Moses had it right when he said “Let’s go” to Ramses. He wasn’t talking to Ramses saysing, "hey dude, let's go." He was saying, "Let us (the jews) go." Now was that so hard?

When I finish writing something like this I often realize one of three things: 1# no one cares. 2# I am probably worng. and 3# 08CS>SJ08

No Longer Living

There is a distinctly sounds that come from someone’s face when they say “Around Eleven” and “No Longer Living.” This statement of course is not accurate when you sing for the band disturbed.There is a distinctly sounds that come from someone’s face when they say “Around Eleven” and “No Longer Living.” This statement of course is not accurate when you sing for the band disturbed.

Such an issue has become the cornerstone for my most recent debate with one you might recognize by the name of garbage. Through this debate I have been able to call upon much psychology knowledge, and am therefore proud to be a part of this.

When it came time to bring in some outside rulings on the issue, we drew them over one by one and essentially asked the question: what words do you hear. This audio clip was about the song: Into the fire, by Disturbed. While we agree that this is a completely badass song, our difference lies from the seconds of :36 to :38 in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9jImX7s2yk . We would much love your input on the debate. As if not to add bias or priming to this topic I shall list the two possible phrases uttered within this time period in alphabetical order:

“Around eleven”
“No longer living”

Still without disclosing information I can detail some of the irony we faced. When primed for either version our subject would hear what we asked them to. This was with to fail. Excuse me sir, do you hear Line A? Yes. Then one of us would turn to the other and say SEE! Excuse me next sir, do you hear Line B? Yes. HAH. I told you the other would say to the first. Needless to say, we will get nowhere without contribution.

Of White Lies