Monday, May 12, 2008

Of Living A Life of Secrecy

It would completely suck to be Superman, for however much it may or may not rape. Laser beams from eyes and the ability to fly(S) (rhyming) are all well and good, but is it worth conditional personality.

Do you need my help? Okay, then my name is Superman. Do you wanna go on a date? I am some loser by the name of Clark Kent. I wear glasses that are thicker than the base of my shoes, and my hair isn’t greased back in that badass manner. Did I mention the frequent bursts of cognitive dissonance I feel? Am I Superman or not damn it?

Even when you work on this to the point that you get it where you like it you can’t be completely happy. Let’s say Clark stays late at the office, or gets macked up by some chick, or goes swimming or god knows what. Hey Superman, take off your shirt. I would rather not… You tell them that you have chest AIDS and that the shirt needs to stay. Deep down you will know that you just can’t expose your Superman shirt. Whoops.

Now let’s put it in a possible situation. You are grounded from video games, but your parents are constantly gone, here or there. Working your ass off to hide your activities is painful for both thought and stress. After a point you can almost only barely enjoy your game. Living the life of secrecy is hardr work than being a super hero. That’s why Superman is even cooler for doing both.

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