Monday, April 21, 2008

Poser Pose

What do you get when you cross a kid desperate for acceptance with plaid pants, a cap with a pre-frayed brim, and an Abercrombie shirt with an oversized collar and a pocket that will never be used? Call me a jerk for pulling an R. L. Stine, but to find out turn to page 1 (the title). Before you turn back to the top of this page, keep in mind that it is crucial that you do not loop repeatedly through this paragraph.

Did you make it out? Good job. And here you think that I might be patronizing you… I would like to assure you that I have done nothing of the sort. There is a chance that I simply have entertained myself for a short burst or that maybe I have truly complimented you. Is it so hard to believe? What is the matter? Everyone needs a boost sometime. There is no need to bring you down, so I won’t.

So many things in this world are that simple. I think about crap like that… not really though. I think about crap like: why am I talking to you…? It isn’t like you are going to read this… but I thought some more and came to a conclusion. If you read this then you are reading this. If you don’t, no one will ever realize how much of my own time I have wasted. Talking to myself… you can listen if you want? That just sounds emo to me. What a shame. Laugh out loud. “Emo” is not in the Microsoft Word dictionary.

I wonder if the future can be in blogs somewhere. Not blogs themselves but the concept maybe. Psychiatry could find a strong base in it possibly. The whole psychoanalytic concept of therapy… free association say what you feel like until you just go ahead and scream your problem. What absurdity.

I play video games on They are fun, some don’t load right. Some aren’t fun, and some we aren’t allowed to play at school. It’s a shame really because I don’t play them at home. It is a time killer. But why kill time?

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