Monday, May 19, 2008


“Argh me hearties” is not used often enough these days. It is just one of those things you are sad to see go. There are plenty of things you don’t want to see go in this world… this is just one.

The brutality of irony can be best depicted by the world. In this world to move something it takes energy: things at rest tend to stay at rest until acted upon by a force or object. By this logic, things would never leave you unless you asked them to, or made them. Still “argh me hearties” has left us. Damn our culture

I’m sorry… Rats our culture.

It doesn’t change the fact that I am rats-ed off. I blame children really. They always go off into the world wanting to be independent… hating the ones that give them the punishment they need to grow. So they hate other things by association. For these reasons our generation has no work ethic and shitty music. Whoops.

I’m sorry… Rats-y music.

It’s not like we are independent anyway. For one, we are quite dependant for resources. For two, we aren’t actually innovative when it comes to being different. I can’t prove it, but I am almost positive fashion history is repeating itself. I think I heard or read or heard someone reading that once; probably options one or three, because I don’t read that much.

But what do I know other than how to complain. I suppose I can live on that though. Off to complain about something else I suppose. Here goes.

1 comment:

pizarron said...

Due to your crushingly honest, and entertaining writing, I have deemed you worthy of my identity. My name is Ryan Anderson and I am typing this in first hour.