Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Of Splicing Creativity

I feel that to truly convey my view on a concept, safely and effectively, I must begin by defining it. Splicing: slicing (metaphorically or not) things into pieces and then reassembling them into a new whole. Who knew the letter ‘p’ can change the connotation of a word so much? Anyway, I’ve got to finish writing this before my mom makes super.

Here is my point. True creativity is obscenely rare. Almost everything that we may take note of as true creativity is really just a splice fest. The more creative something is, the more it probably has been spliced. The guy that invented Connect Four just added gravity to tic tac toe. The guy that invented the drill put a motor on a screwdriver. The guy that invented capture the flag just made tag with two teams.

So is it cynical? Probably, but we have to draw the line somewhere. The man that bent his scissors to cut squiggly lines with ease still got a patent. Is he really that creative? Is he worth recognition? Is anyone?

The wheel is worth points. The inclined plane deserves a pat on the back. The guy that invented the new and improved light rubber grip on my toothbrush better not get a damn plack.

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