Monday, March 24, 2008

So It Turns Out

that I completely suck at in class essays. Whoops. Amazing how many things in life we incorrectly favor ourselves in. We got essays back today and were asked to actually read them. First off, who reads? Secondly… oh Jesus this sucks.

Looking back on what I believed to be another work of art (that would be underscored because the teacher MUST hate me (how else could he deny me the amazing grade I deserve)) I began to see how completely terrible it was. If the words weren’t misspelled they didn’t fit together. Weak.

A twisted little philosophy, but wholesome truth. Everything we do is for the countless number ones out there. Things from cutting in cafeteria lines to subconsciously lying to ourselves about our ability to produce in class essays. Everything.

So how do we fix it? I am afraid I must answer my own question with a question. Why the hell not? I love myself, and stopping myself from bettering myself in my own mind is only going to take time and effort I could be using to love myself even more. So there I go kicking ass in my own little mind and I ride off into the sunset.

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