Thursday, March 20, 2008

Yeah well...

There is something to be said for the systematic biasing of all things to favor one’s self. I do it, you, the imaginary reader, do it, and every one else does it. Don’t even try to deny it. No matter how subtle it is for a given instance we are guilty. Is it a serious wonder that no matter what hero I choose in “defense of the ancients” I can’t dominate as thoroughly as anyone else using them? How can I not kill with them like I saw this one guy do?
Well it is simple really. There are two possibilities: either they cheated or they were killing extremely nooby people. What’s that you say? There is a third option you say? Go to hell. I shall defend myself until the day I die whether I like it or not, and frankly so will you, the imaginary reader.

If we aren’t good at something it does not concern us. If we do so happen to be good at something there is nothing better in the world. We compromise and compensate. I’m not as good with the ladies as he is, but damned if I couldn’t whoop that chumps ass in ping pong. Frankly ping pong is the only thing that matters in this world anyway. No matter how much better someone is, we find a way to compensate. You walk into a room and meet a person just like you, except better in every way… what do you do? Prove him wrong. So he’s better at video games, picking up chicks, and chess… has better looks and is more athletic while being funnier in social situations while still being better than me in academics… … … … At least I didn’t get raped as a child to start a spiral into homosexuality that will eventually cause my premature death. Bastard.

Ironic? A touch. True? Completely. It doesn’t matter how desperate we have to get, we will protect our self esteem. I’m glad that jerk is gonna die early. I’ll take his spot… I’m better anyway… I can whistle the star spangled banner…

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